The best thing I did for my relationship

The best thing I’ve done for my relationship with Sunaina happened before we ever met. 

I told myself, “Matt, this relationship might not work out and you might get your heart broken, but you’re going to put everything you have into it.”

At the time, I didn’t realize how important this promise would be. 

But now I’m a relationship coach and I work with couples struggling to trust and rely on one another and I see how much of a difference it makes when you’re all in on your relationship. 

In short, it makes ALL the difference.

My clients who go all in on their relationship are the ones who see the biggest transformations. Their relationships grow to offer more love and support than they had believed possible.

The flip side of going all in is holding yourself back. 

I used to do this too, before I met Sunaina. I held back because I thought that it would keep me from getting hurt.

That’s not what happened though, because nothing can stop you from getting hurt.

Instead, when you hold back, you GUARANTEE that you’ll never fully trust and rely on your partner, and they will never fully trust and rely on you. 

So what does it mean to be all in on your relationship?

It means taking responsibility for your actions, and being willing to open up to your partner even if it hurts sometimes. 

Like when I realized that my giving Sunaina the cold shoulder was crushing our connection and denying her the chance to tell me what she needed.

Being all in means giving your best effort to your partner, no more and no less. 

Like when I come home tired and I want to rest but I choose to support Sunaina by cleaning up the house and making time to talk and connect.

Being all in means giving your partner the benefit of the doubt and trusting that they’re also doing their best. 

Like when I stopped judging Sunaina for not always being on time, and I learned to recognize and accept that she has different needs than mine.

Sunaina and I face challenges in our relationship every day. Every couple does.

And every day we rely on our commitment to go all in for each other.

Are you all in on your relationship? 

If you are, then there’s no limit to the love, trust, and support your relationship can give you.

And if you need some help getting there, click here to schedule a discovery call with me.

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This is holding you back from changing your relationship


Say this to your anxious partner