This is holding you back from changing your relationship

See this sign?

The Grow More Joy Relationship Coaching sign for my office door.

It was a gift from Sunaina and I waited 4 months to put it on my office door because I felt like I had to "earn" the right by helping enough clients.

It sounds harmless, right? It's just a sign, it doesn't matter when I put it up.

Except I'm starting to see how this kind of thinking has been holding me back.

What else have I not done for myself because I thought I had to earn the right?

What other opportunities for growth have I passed up because I thought I needed an external sign first?

I've seen this same kind of thinking when I talk to people about their relationships.

“I always have to be the adult because my partner won’t grow up.”

"I'll listen when my partner admits they were wrong."

"Why should I make an effort if my partner won't?"

I love it when my clients realize that they don't have to wait for their partner to change before they can get more trust, closeness, and support from their relationship.

They learn to change their relationship by first changing how they think about it. 

Because the truth is that growth and change don't have to be "earned."

We're all capable of growing and changing whenever we want, regardless of what our relationships and businesses look like today.

After I put up my sign, I decided to stop holding back from growing my business. I hired a new marketing coach, and I finally ordered a couch (I'm so excited!!).

Have you been holding back in your relationship?

And more importantly, what are you going to do about it?

If you're ready for more trust and closeness in your relationship, I invite you to click here to schedule a free discovery call with me.

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Let go of what isn’t serving you


The best thing I did for my relationship