Why you shouldn’t compromise with your partner

Everyone knows a few things about relationships, like how you shouldn’t go to bed mad at each other, and you ALWAYS need to compromise. 

That’s literally how people describe marriage – “It’s about compromise.”

But compromises can cause resentment and drive a wedge between you and your partner. And that distance can grow as you keep compromising on the things you care about.

The cost of compromising

Do you sometimes feel helpless when you and your partner make decisions? Are you tired of “keeping score” over who gets what they want? 

Does it feel like ALL you do is compromise with your partner? Like you’re ALWAYS giving up something – your time, your plans, even your dreams? 

These feelings are all consequences of repeatedly compromising with your partner.

Even small compromises can eventually cause these feelings when it’s your main strategy to deal with conflict and disagreements.

Over time this can make it difficult for you and your partner to feel happy and joyful with each other – it’s hard to feel close with someone when you’re always making sacrifices for them.

After all, how can you feel trust and intimacy with your partner if they’re always standing between you and what you want?

How do you feel about compromises?

If you sometimes compromise with your partner, we’re not saying that you’ve been doing it wrong this whole time – we firmly believe that each couple is the best judge of what does or doesn’t work for them.

Our goal here is to show you that compromises aren’t necessarily the perfect solution they’re made out to be. And maybe there’s a better way to serve your relationship. 

A way that doesn’t require you to ALWAYS give up something you want.

Next week, we’ll show you what we’re talking about. 

In the meantime, what role does compromise play in your relationship? If it’s your go-to strategy, how do you think it’s affected your relationship?

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How to stop compromising and start getting what you want


Say this when you feel triggered